First of all, why the title? I know I'm not the only intelligent, competent, gorgeous (^_^) fabulous girl who wasted years kissing frogs. I know this for certain because my 'day job', as an astrologer, has for years involved an awful lot of coaching and counselling women like me, with no need for a relationship. When I say 'need', that's not to say I've got anything against relationships. It's just a huge shame that we get brainwashed into thinking that we can't do without one. My take on this now, having finally found my prince, is that we would be better off getting on with everything else and finding the right person to share our lives when it happens. I could have left out the frog-snogging and still be here now. Frogs do not turn into princes outside of story books. Don't kiss 'em. Wait for the person to come along who is your absolute total best friend who could ever be, who you also fancy quite a lot. Then keep your 'you' and he keeps 'him' - if someone needs to change, you're both in the wrong relationship. There you go, you got that for free and I could have made it the basis of my book!
Anyway, I'm now happily married, having brought two kids into the deal with me. I'm committed to living a life which causes as few problems as possible for my grandchildren to be, even if I can get a bit boring about it! I use the best materials that I can, but if they've already lived one life already, all the better.
I set up this blog to share what I'm doing and how. I will post tips and pictures and diagrams as I go along. It seems to me that no matter that I am a crafter trying to make a living from it, I want to share the fun. If you find my wares and want to buy - fabulous! But of you want to make your own, then you're going to make your own, so you might as well get the benefit of my years of trial and error. A really long time ago, I started making bags and jewellery to get by because I'd told my partner I was pregnant and he'd legged it! Looking back, he was obviously a frog.
I've gone a long long way round but now I'm the breadwinner of a very interesting family (even the cats are 'recycled' - their first owner doted on them but she developed dementia and they needed a home) and now I'm trying to transition into crafting for a living again.
Love Amanda X