Thursday, 24 June 2010

You should see my house!!!!

Well things are going along swimmingly here with my plans to take over the world by beautifying it just a bit. The plan for this week is every crafter's cross to bear - my house is disappearing under my stash!
I have several boxes of paper supplies in various states of chaos cluttering up the front room, along with all my mailing supplies, except for quite a lot of pre-deployed cardboard which it is part of my mission to re-use as my packaging!

Then there's various knitting and crochet prototypes and a fair amount of yarn. And six beautiful vintage saris and elastic, binding and thread to make them into new garments. Somewhere in the middle of that is my bag of needles etc, which is always lovely and neat, several sets of knit pro loveliness and a couple of pencil cases and makeup bags keep it how it should be.

I am thinking of fitting my scissors with beepers though. It's usually the kids who walk off with pens and scissors and everyone knows that purloining my dressmaking shears is absolutely out of bounds, but I just found my little embroidery scissors by the telly in the bedroom so my husband must have nicked those! For what purpose, we can only imagine.

In my hall there are three bin bag sized bags full of new and used fabric for making my signature bags with. The kitchen and dining area holds a knitting machine, a sewing machine, a spinning wheel and three bin bags of fleece, and a fair few bags of cleaned and carded rolags. Somewhere in all this, my family are nestled. I'm sure they are!

Organisation is the plan this week! I've got a whole bunch of books and dvds on ebay and amazon to ease the strain but I need to get the rest of it in line. I'll start the easy way with the boxes I've got but I've got this plan to make a bunch of special bags to organise the rest..........

Oh, and I forgot to mention the jewellery supplies and the 15 finished bits of beautifulness ready to go on Etsy. And the catalogue for the card company that I intend to sign up with to fill out my portfolio.
At some point I will post about techniques, design and marketing, really I will, but I think I'd better tidy up first before I have family mutiny on my hands. Or move house!!!!

Did I mention the dye supplies that just arrived?????

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